With summer here, having your unique outdoor spaces ready is a must. The backyard to your home is your secret sanctuary. It’s a place you can dedicate to BBQs with friends or to some me-time and relaxation. At Interiors Panache, our interior design company is dedicated to crafting these beautiful spaces for you. Check out these tips to planning your outdoor retreat. Already inspired? Contact our luxury interior design firm.
Dream and Evaluate
The first step is visualizing. Imagine what your dream space looks like. What do you want to have in this space? Is it a yard for the kids to run around? Do you want to garden? Entertain? How involved do you really plan on being when it comes to installing pieces that require upkeep (pool, garden, etc.)? Proper luxury interior design firms know to ask that question and that’s what you will get from us.
Evaluate your existing property as any interior design company would. What do you like and what do you hate? What’s salvageable (the 100 year old oak tree perhaps)? What needs to go (the rotting deck)? Think geographically too – if the animals in your region will eat your roses, plant something else or consider the need for a fence. Request help from luxury interior design firms if you need it!
Know the Rules
When we start a project, our interior design company will ask about homeowner’s association rules and city regulations. Outdoor work like any requires permits and compliance. The last thing you need is to start an illegal project, take it down, and pay a fine! Need help assessing your project? Contact interior design company Interiors Panache and see how this luxury interior design firm stands out.
Plan on Paper and Fine Tune
Like an interior design company plans, think birds-eye view. Think proportions and accurate measurement. This will give you an idea of relationships between areas and spaces, pathways between pools and patios, entryways and exits. Consider the view from inside your home. Say you’re washing dishes and the window above the sink faces the backyard – what do you want to see? What if you want to install an outdoor kitchen in the future but for now are just doing a patio? It’s cheaper to install the gas hookup now that the ground is already dug up. Think big. This might be where luxury interior design firms can help.
Design and Slay
Your outdoor space should be designed just like an indoor space – functional and fabulous! Interiors Panache can bring your unique style to your outdoor sanctuary. Our experienced interior design company is dedicated to solving design dilemmas and bringing style to your life. See how our luxury interior design firm measures up by viewing our portfolio.